Are you spiritually worn out?

Even if you’re not plugged into the news or engaged in the chaos of the world right now, I bet you can feel it.

We’re energetic beings and we can’t help but pick up on the vibrations ricocheting around the planet. There is so much purpose-driven fear and stress, emanating off the collective like waves crashing against the rocks, that for sensitive and empathetic souls it can feel like a never-ending barrage.

After the trauma and chaos of the last few years we all deserve some time to rest, recalibrate and recover. Yet, we don’t have that time because we are still living in a world that hasn’t quite found its center and is still very lost with how to be.

No wonder so many of us are so spiritually worn out and run down.

From speaking to others on the same path as me, I hear the same things over and over. A lot of us are feeling disconnected, exhausted, lost and overwhelmed right now.

So, how can we recover our sense of connectedness, balance and grounding in such tumultuous and chaotic times?

Stepping back onto the path of safety, comfort and hope

If you see through the veil of reality and the matrix programming that keeps humans feeling small and unimportant then it’s a very lonely and vulnerable time to be here on earth.

There’s huge shifts happening right now as the truth rises from the shadows into the light. Yet, while there is so much good happening, the brighter we shine individually, the more darkness is exposed which can feel overwhelming and deeply saddening.

The spiritual path is also one of evolution and transformation as we heal the layers of ourselves, emotionally and physically, mending, fixing and improving, so that we leave this time on earth more evolved than when we arrived.

Yet, while we are the link breakers of generations of trauma and the truthsayers letting our voices be heard, it’s a lonely and painful journey at times.

Many of us feel alone, like we don’t belong, feeling stuck in a matrix that cages the desires of our soul. We are also grieving deeply, without even knowing it, for the life we had hoped for on earth, the life we knew before in our naivety and the reality that we’re now engaged in.

Sometimes it can all feel a bit bleak, so there’s a few things I want to remind my fellow spiritual seekers of, to bring you back into a place of safety, comfort and hope.

Slow down and take your time

The spiritual community is full of information about doing the inner work, healing the shadow and comforting the inner child.

All these are wonderful things to do, but not all at once, all at the same time, immediately. You cannot fix yourself in a matter of weeks, this is a lifelong process, that’s why you live a whole lifetime on earth. 

In this age of social media, it’s all too easy to look at other people’s experience of spiritual, emotional or physical transformation and think that’s what we need too. Always remember, that the journey someone else is on can never be yours, trust your path is unfolding in diving timing and bring your attention back to your life and your center.

It’s ok if you don’t have it all figured out. It’s ok if you feel blocked in an area of your life that you don’t yet have the tools to explore. Have such deep compassion for yourself for wherever you are on your journey because you are exactly where you’re meant to be. Take your foot off the pedal and recognise how far you’ve come, not how far you have to go.

Bringing balance back into your life

The drive to heal can also come from a place of low self-esteem and believing that we’re not the absolute perfection of creation exactly as we are.

Every single person is the universal consciousness experiencing itself from a unique perspective. Every living thing has a pair of eyes and these are the windows through which the Universe, the Divine, or God, experiences life. We are but the vessel for God to experience life and that’s so wonderful to remember.

Sometimes, it’s easy to forget that we’re perfect as we are in the eyes of creation. We can acknowledge that we have work to do to evolve our souls and also enjoy this life at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive. 

We’re here to play as much as we are here to evolve.

So, if you’re feeling spiritually worn out, maybe you need a break from the inner stuff. It could be time to install a little balance and flexibility in your life. Stop trying so hard to fix something that doesn’t need fixing. Maybe, after the car crash of the last few years, you need some joy and light in your life. So go find it.

Feeling alone, unsupported and lost

If you’re feeling spiritually worn out, you’re most likely feeling alone and unsupported.

Despite the abundance of virtual groups that offer sanctuary for the spiritual and awakened community, there is still a lack of human connection. We need human touch and connection in realtime. We need to share our energy and vibration with those on a similar wavelength with us because with these like-minded people we feel safe and heard.

I wrote all about this feeling of loneliness in my last post. The irony is that we are more connected than ever before through messaging and communications apps, yet we all feel more alone than ever.

You are most definitely not alone. Whatever you believe, there are supportive energies all around us, whether you feel they are angels, spirits of loved ones or guides. They are out there, watching over you with such love and grace. 

If only we knew how much support we had we would never spend another second feeling sad or alone.

So, when you’re feeling low, lean on your resources, whether they’re in the physical world or not, they’re there to help you. We only need to remember to ask for guidance and support when feeling lost and alone, and it comes.

Feeling like you don’t belong in this world

Another major feeling that contributes to feeling spiritually worn out is feeling like we don’t belong. 

For the past few years we were pushed to the margins of society, ostracized for our understanding and perspective of events. So, it’s hard to find that feeling of connection again with a society that we no longer align with.

Of course we don’t feel like we belong because we’re trying to fit ourselves into the acceptable framework of this society. Right a round peg and a square hole.

When we’re desperately searching for a place to belong, and trust me I know that feeling intimately, we need to remember that our home is wherever we are. Our home is our network, like a vibrant spider’s web of connections, that links us to those we love and resonate with.

It may not be a tangible location but, if it’s centered in our heart, we’ll always feel like we’re home. We only need to remember to use our network to bring comfort and recharge our spiritually drained batteries.

More than anything, I want you to remember that the earth is our home. Nature, the ocean, the ground, the trees, it all belongs to us, it is our playground that we’ve been granted a short access to while we holiday here on earth.

You belong here, you chose to be here, and one day you’ll go home, so why not make the most of being here while you can?

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Carry on exploring


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