The extraordinary power of Divine Healing

The extraordinary power of Divine Healing

The last two weeks have been a rollercoaster.

I’ve been wanting to write about this but haven’t been entirely sure how to put this experience into words. So, I took the pressure off and decided to just start from the beginning.

For the past two weeks I’ve been Divine Healing.

Divine Healing is a multidimensional healing system based on the spiritual law of ‘ask and you shall receive’, but I didn’t truly understand it until I trained in the first level and became aware the power of what I was learning.

As I write this I am in the midst of a nasty detoxification as layers of trauma are unpeeling themselves from my bodies; energetic, physical and emotional. And it’s not just the toxic build-up of waste that’s affecting me.

I’ve been ridiculously sleep-deprived these past few weeks, waking up at the classic meridian times of liver-o’clock, 1am till 3am, and lung-o’clock which is 3am till 5am, sometimes for hours, as I process, release and let go.

Not only that, but my dreams have been so vivid it’s like I’ve been travelling to the astral place, and I probably have.

Escaping the matrix programming

Coming into consciousness and letting go of trauma and ego programming isn’t pretty and it isn’t easy, but it’s sure as hell worth it. I’ve let go of low energy frequencies I’ve been carrying around for decades in this life, as well as past lives, parallel lives, other dimensions and realities.

I’ve had intense shaking in my legs and hips as trauma has found ways out of my body via my nervous system and Vagus nerve. I’ve been expelling it out through bodily fluids and have, at times, been intensely nauseous as it’s seeked a safe way to exit my body.

Even though I write about authenticity, it’s rare for me to mention things like this in my writing because I’ve always been afraid of ‘what the people think’. Which people, you ask? Well, all the people.

This is part of my programming; designed to keep me safe, but really, born from fear to keep me separate from my power. For too long I’ve had my feet straddled in two different places, so I’ve decided it’s time to move them to the same place, without fear and free of shame.

The matrix we live in is purposely designed to keep us repressed, disconnected from a higher power and unaware of our true power. The programmes in this dimension are so intense that it takes courage, willpower and strength to break free of them.

Following the whispers of our Higher Self in the face of these dense programmes is sometimes the hardest thing to do, but it must be done if we are to truly find freedom for our souls.

It’s a world of energy and we’re all just living in it

I love Kinesiology, especially diving into how our body communicates what the mind is too unconscious to understand. This is why we have symptoms - they are a fire alarm telling us something is off and we need to self-correct our course.

Muscle testing allows me to bypass the conscious mind, and the ego, to get to the core of the issue behind the symptom. Nutrition, energy work and lymphatic work help but it is the emotional clearing that unleashes healing.

We know that reality is made up of 99.9% space because the atom is made up of 99.9% space. Therefore, the reality that we see through our eyes is only 0.01% of what's out there. The rest is utterly invisible to us.

Ultimately, we live in a universe of unseen energy, where everything carries a frequency, especially emotions. Trauma, stress, subconscious ego agendas and any other emotions that keep us separate, disconnected and in pain, sit in the cellular fluid of our bodies.

When we hold that resonance of disharmony there, without our self-awareness to release it, we inadvertently become a magnet for similar low frequency energy to reside in that area.

The cause of dis-ease and illness isn’t external, it’s internal, and self-awareness is the key because, without it, we can’t release it.

This is why we can’t break unhealthy behavioural cycles. It’s why we can’t be free of addictions. It’s why we feel stuck in life. It’s why we self-sabotage with no idea why. It’s why we stay locked in rigid patterns that we know aren’t good for us. It’s why our bodies are chronically unhealthy. It’s why we stay in fear, lack and low self-worth. It’s why karmic patterns keep playing out again in our lives, over and over.

Basically, it’s why we suffer.

Transforming the non-physical to change the physical

If we could clear these frequencies, we would, but they’re often deeply buried in the subconscious, inaccessible and passing by unseen and unnoticed by our conscious mind as we go about our day-to-day lives. Maybe they’ve resided in the body for our entire life, from another life, or from our ancestral line.

This is where Divine Healing comes into play.

While I’ve released a lot of trauma, layers of judgements, self-sabotaging patterns and low frequency programmes as I practised with other students, I’ve also let a huge amount go just doing the work on myself.

The simplicity of it belies its extraordinary power. By bringing awareness to an issue, really feeling it in the physical body, and allowing it to leave, we can peel layer after layer of trauma and programming to get us back to our true selves.

What I’ve come to realise is that we can’t change our physical reality without first changing the non-physical. Energy is the dominant power of transformation. So, trying to change our lives through the physical, rather than the non-physical, is like trying to push a stone to where we want it to go, when instead, we could just stand aside and let it roll.

Harnessing grace and love to release low frequencies

It’s only when we bring awareness to these low frequencies that keep us small and separated, dissolving them with love, grace and the power of our presence, that we can return to the core nature of who we are.

Life can’t change until the core programmes that run our lives are brought out into the open and revealed for their true nature. Life can’t change until we uproot the trauma that has kept us fearful and disempowered for most of our lives. Life can’t change until we remove all the layers that block our connection to a higher power.

Once we release these our weary body can finally let go of the load and all the energy and light can come rushing in.

The beauty of Kinesiology is how it helps people understand the connection between their physical and emotional body. But, the beauty of Divine Healing is how it helps people understand the connection between their emotional body and spiritual body.

It’s like another level up and it’s somewhere that I’ve always wanted to go.

We cannot have true healing until we have true self-awareness, and we cannot have true self-awareness if we do not understand or recognise our true nature as spiritual beings having a human experience.

The truth is, healing is spiritual.

And at the core, Divine Healing is working co-creatively with Divine Intelligence, through the Higher Self, to facilitate healing and reconnection to Spirit at all levels. Essentially, it facilitates a gentle opening between our soul and a higher power, whether you want to call it God, the Universe, the Divine or the Celestial.

It’s when we remember where we came from, why we’re here and the true nature of who we truly are: perfect, whole and Divine, that healing is not only accessible, it’s inevitable.

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Carry on exploring


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