Remembering our power to heal from within

healing from the inside

I wrote this from a place of passion and frustration.

I felt frustrated watching someone I love experience receive a diagnosis from a doctor and be handed a packet of pills to take. Pills which suppress symptoms, keep us in deep denial and paralyse us into submission.

For most of us, we don’t want to understand the root cause of a symptom, we don’t want to research it, we don’t want to understand, we don’t want to make lifestyle changes, we don’t want to accept responsibility, we don’t want to. Period.

I get it. It’s scary to acknowledge something may not be working properly in our bodies and it’s so much easier to hand over responsibility for our health over to someone else. Someone more qualified. An expert who knows best. We don’t know best, or do we?

Handing over responsibility of your health

I am not against western medicine. I believe it has the power to save lives and doctors have the most extraordinary skills to fix and mend us. What I am against, however, is the beast of Big Pharma. A trillion-dollar drug pushing industry that has nothing to do with health or healing and everything to do with profit and power.

We forget that pharmaceutical companies don’t want to heal us. They are a business. They want clients for life. This is so important to remember.

People have misguided faith and trust in this profit-driven industry more than they trust themselves. Like other natural health practitioners, I see why people nowadays are so incredibly ill, and I get so passionately fired up, yet so frustrated at the same time, when people would rather trust someone else with their health than themselves.

There’s so much blind trust in the medical-pharma complex that we trust it far more than we trust our own body’s ability to heal. We’ve forgotten how extraordinary we are.

We fall into a place of fear and stress so quickly when something goes wrong in our body that we panic and forget that we are totally in control and have all the tools to heal ourselves, if we choose to do the work.

No one has a better understanding of your body than you. Not a doctor, not a well-meaning friend, not a protective parent, not a complementary healthcare practitioner. We’ve been taught to fear our bodies. That they’ll let us down at any moment. That we have no control around how they function.

That it’s better to hand over our health to those who know better than we do.

Healing from trust and love

Even if we’re out of touch with our body, so much so that it feels like a separate machine, we can always reignite this connection. It’s still there, waiting patiently for us to embrace it. This is the reason I do what I do.

I want to remind all of us how capable and incredible we are. I want to help us rekindle hope and trust in ourselves. I want us to feel pure love for our bodies in whatever condition they might be, rather than distrust, fear and hate.

Love, trust and hope are the most powerful energetic frequencies. They are healing frequencies. When we are emitting an energy of fear, distrust and hate, this has the opposite effect and actively lowers our cellular immune response.

This is the basic foundation of health. Whether we love and trust our body or not. It’s also the hardest, because when we feel they let us down it becomes very easy for us to lose that love and trust.

We are not victims of ill health. Yes there are some external factors which are out of our control but there are so many factors completely within our control. We are all responsible for our own self, no one else is. This is hard to hear because it means doing all the work ourselves.

And it’s this work takes time, commitment and energy.

We have everything we need to heal ourselves

Empowering ourselves with knowledge is the first step. This puts us back in the driving seat, we can take control. Wallowing in a victim consciousness is incredibly damaging, it paralyses us into doing absolutely nothing, staying stuck exactly where we are.

When we stop looking for someone else to fix us, we begin to realise that we are the only ones who can do that. We are all naturally creative and expansive beings with limitless potential for healing and wholeness. We all have this ability and when we remember it it’s like having a key to unlock all of that wonderful potential.

Our minds are the most phenomenal and complex machinery on this entire planet. They have the power to create our reality. How have we forgotten this? The placebo effect, the thousands upon thousands of cases of spontaneous remissions, the research around psychoneuroimmunology, the evidence is all there, waiting to be remembered.

We’ve known it for millennia, just look at the traditional medicine from indigenous cultures around the world, all from thousands of years ago.

We have everything we need to heal within ourselves, but also within the world we live in. We have access to fresh water, whole foods, herbs, adaptogens and the power of nature. Not to mention the technology we have now and the wealth of knowledge that is widley shared through the internet. It’s all accessible.

We just need to make the choice.

The three roots of dis-ease

My belief is that dis-ease stems from three major areas. It’s a fairly simplistic take on it but I will deep-dive into this another time.

The first is inflammation from a poor diet that includes processed food, chemical-laden products and sugar. The second is toxicity build-up from chemicals in our environment, cleaning products and skincare (and many, many other places). And the third is unresolved trauma and emotional stress which has stagnated in the body.

We assume these little things don’t add up, but they do, causing a domino effect of imbalances within us that have no choice but to manifest outwards into physical symptoms that we are finally forced to address.

The beautiful thing is that these are all factors we have the power to change. All we need is awareness.

I’d also add a fourth reason, which is a lack of trust and faith.

If we don’t believe in a higher power, whether it’s God, the Universe, or a Divine Consciousness, life can feel lonely and pointless. If we think our time on earth is random and that there’s no reason we’re here, what purpose have we got to live? Life is more than survival, we have to live with passion and purpose, it’s what our soul thrives off.

And when it’s missing, we truly suffer.

Remember your power. It’s there, patiently waiting for you to remember.

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Carry on exploring


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